Introducing: Quote of the Week
Posted by Jessica Sims on
Starting on November 10th, we will be adding a motivational quote to the forefront of our website. The quotes come from a variety of sources such as Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter. At times, we will also include words of wisdom that come from the Bible.The goal is to give all of you something positive to reflect on throughout the week. The quotes will be updated every weekend. So please take time to think about this week's quote and all the future quotes as well. Thank you :)
Updates to our Website
Posted by Jessica Sims on
Hi everybody! I am very excited to be releasing an updated website interface. I found a very nice design that I believe will make the website look more professional and be a lot easier to use. I plan to release the new site either today or tomorrow. This is just one of the many great things we have in store for you all. Keep checking back for updates!