Home Remedies

Say Goodbye to Puffy Eyes and Dark Circles with These Natural Remedies

Posted by Jessica Sims on

Say Goodbye to Puffy Eyes and Dark Circles with These Natural Remedies 🌟💆🏽‍♀️ Hey, beauties! 🌸 Can you believe it’s already back-to-school season? Whether you're hitting the books, gearing up for a new work project, or jet-setting off on adventures, finding time to rest can be a real challenge. But here’s the thing—prioritizing rest is key to looking and feeling your best. And while we know catching those Z’s is crucial, I’ve got some amazing natural remedies to help you tackle those pesky puffy eyes and dark circles when life gets busy. 🌍✈️ Natural Remedies for Puffy Eyes and Dark...

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Jessie K's Way: The Mind's Role

Posted by Jessica Sims on

  The mind is a very complex network of thoughts, feelings, perception, language and other things. Today, we are just going to focus on the power of belief and its effect on wellness. The mind and ailments of the mind are directly linked to our bodies. Different emotions can weaken various organ systems. For example, anxiety weakens the stomach and digestive system. Anger affects the gallbladder and liver. Fear can impact the kidneys and bladder. If this is the case with negative emotions, it is only fair to think that positive thoughts can reverse those effects. This is where it...

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Jessie K's Way to Wellness

Posted by Jessica Sims on

    Jessie K's Way to Wellness One small change in your routine can have a plethora of benefits in the long run. Too often people turn to various prescriptions to suppress illnesses that could be cured with the proper natural treatment. That is why we will share various ways to incorporate home remedies into your everyday life. Whether your goal is to relieve your pain, improve your skin, or even to get a good night's rest, there are natural alternatives that can help. Instead of trying to overhaul your lifestyle, we believe that it is beneficial to take things...

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ACV Detox Tea

Posted by Jessica Sims on

Do you ever just wake up and feel like this cat? Yeah, me too. At that point, there's no amount of coffee that will give me the kick I need to get going. One day, I found a very simple recipe that supplied me with the energy I needed all along. Introducing..... ACV DETOX TEA!!!!! This apple cider vinegar tea helps with digestion, boosting the immune system, flushing out harmful toxins, and more! For a list of other benefits, simply keep scrolling below. Well, don't just sit here, try it out yourself :)    This is one of the brands of ACV...

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Welcome to the Oasis!

Posted by Jessica Sims on

Why The Need? These days, we use the internet for everything. Amidst the pandemic, many of us have increased the amount of time we spend in front of a screen. As a result, we're constantly on the internet doing work, scheduling appointments, keeping up with the news, or online shopping. But more than anything, a lot of us are on social media trying to stay connected to friends and family. ---- While the internet has helped us be more connected, it can also be very draining. Sometimes surfing the internet feels like walking through an arid desert. You can scroll and...

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