Home Remedies

A Tip to Boost Your Mood

Posted by Jessica Sims on

6 months. We are 6 months into this pandemic that I'm sure we all hoped would be over by now. With no clear end in sight, how are we going to stay sane? I ask myself that from time to time whenever I notice my mood is taking a downturn. It can be so easy to fall into a pit of despair and feel impossible to climb out. So my biggest goal right now is to avoid that pit at all cost and keep myself uplifted. Of course this can be easier said than done, but it is possible. So...

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Benefits of Indoor Plants: Why Not Add a Little Green to the Scene?

Posted by Jessica Sims on

Many people appreciate the natural beauty of having live plants inside the home or office. But plants have more to offer than just looks. They also have a wide range of benefits. The good news is, there are many indoor plants that are super easy to take care of. Some don't require much watering or sunlight. This makes it a breeze to care for even if you don't have a green thumb. So what ways could you benefit by adding a little green to the scene? And what are some plants you could choose if you've worked with any before?...

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Survival Prep: What Type Of Shelter Should You Build?

Posted by Jessica Sims on

It's been a few weeks since I last addressed survival prep, but I feel like now is as great a time as any. As mentioned in our last post, "Rule of 3s", one of the first things to get set up in a survival situation is a shelter. Of course food and water come next on the list, but we explained why having a shelter tops the list of necessities. The main purpose of this post is to help you prepare for a survival situation. So we won't discuss worst-case scenario shelter ideas such as building with fallen trees and branches...

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Living a Natural Lifestyle

Posted by Jessica Sims on

Why Live a Natural Lifestyle?  As I learned more about the harmful chemicals in virtually every product I consumed, I became more attracted to natural products. I started looking at the back of bottles and boxes that I had been using my entire life. What did I see?  Monosodium Glutamate, Sodium Nitrite, Parabens, Phthalates, high-fructose corn syrup,  artificial flavoring, artificial coloring, and the list goes onnnnnn! From hair products to basic food items, there was a whole lot of junk that I didn't want in or on my body. Everything is so artificial I don't really feel like it should...

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DIY: Face Mask Ideas

Posted by Jessica Sims on

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, people across the globe are being asked to wear face masks in public. Problem is, there are no masks. They are virtually impossible to find in stores, people are being barred from ordering them online, and even if you ordered some they won't be here for months. The reason why is because there is a huge effort to conserve masks and get them to healthcare workers on the front line. So if you can't go buy a mask, what do you do? Let's talk about some ways.  The main purpose of wearing a face mask...

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