Beat the Bug Finale

Posted by Jessica Sims on

We have finished with our Beat the Bug series for now. In this post, we will just recap the information from those posts so you can keep yourself healthy this season. 

Part 1 & 2: In part 1, we learned about 3 common illnesses people tend to catch this time of the year. They are, the common cold, the flu, and Norovirus. We talked about the various symptoms, ways it is transmitted, as well as how long a person remains contagious for. In part 2, we discussed the important role hand hygiene plays in keeping us safe from contaminants. It is also important to note that we cannot kill Norovirus with alcohol hand rub alone. We have to physically scrub and rinse the virus off of our hands surface to eliminate it. 

Part 3 & 4: In part 3 and 4, we learned about the immune system. We talked about different factors that weaken our immune system and make us more susceptible to illness. Some of those include dehydration, lack of sleep, poor nutrition and stress. On the flip side, we also talked about things that boost the immune system such as getting enough Vitamin C. We talked about the benefits of Vitamin C as an antioxidant and what foods contain it. 

Part 5: In our final part of the series, we talked about 3 quick and easy recipes that you can make right in your kitchen to boost your immune system. We included recipes that were high in Vitamin C to give you all the antioxidants you need to get those toxins out of your system. It's good to note that not all of the recipes include citrus fruits because they aren't the only foods with Vitamin C in them. 

And there you have it folks. The Beat the Bug series has come to a close. However, if we do have any updates to the series, we will post it in our News section. Thank you for checking this out and stay tuned for more good things to come! 



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