Home Remedies

Living a Natural Lifestyle

Posted by Jessica Sims on

Why Live a Natural Lifestyle?  As I learned more about the harmful chemicals in virtually every product I consumed, I became more attracted to natural products. I started looking at the back of bottles and boxes that I had been using my entire life. What did I see?  Monosodium Glutamate, Sodium Nitrite, Parabens, Phthalates, high-fructose corn syrup,  artificial flavoring, artificial coloring, and the list goes onnnnnn! From hair products to basic food items, there was a whole lot of junk that I didn't want in or on my body. Everything is so artificial I don't really feel like it should...

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DIY: Face Mask Ideas

Posted by Jessica Sims on

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, people across the globe are being asked to wear face masks in public. Problem is, there are no masks. They are virtually impossible to find in stores, people are being barred from ordering them online, and even if you ordered some they won't be here for months. The reason why is because there is a huge effort to conserve masks and get them to healthcare workers on the front line. So if you can't go buy a mask, what do you do? Let's talk about some ways.  The main purpose of wearing a face mask...

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Prezi-Stress: The Body's Response

Posted by Jessica Sims on

  Hi everyone! I wanted to tell you all of a presentation I developed in order to consolidate some of the information in my blog posts. I made a series of blog posts regarding stress and its effects on the body. Realizing that not everybody likes to read articles, I came up with a different way to present this info to you. Hope you enjoy this and let me know if you have any questions ! Stress: The Body's Response: https://prezi.com/gbgti9nlgqne/stress/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy If you're interested in reading our articles regarding stress, you can start Part 1 of our 4 part stress...

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Coping with Coronavirus

Posted by Jessica Sims on

Ready or not, here it comes! Coronavirus is sweeping the globe as reported case numbers continue to increase. Events are being cancelled. Schools and universities are closed. Restaurants are closed for dine-ins. Major league sports have been cancelled. Stocks are crashing. Gas prices are low, egg prices are high. Entire countries are being put on lock-down. All of this leads us to wonder, "What in the world is actually happening right now?". Truth be told, no human alive has ever experienced a pandemic quite like this before. Never has an illness had this type of affect on virtually every aspect...

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Let's Talk About Tinctures!

Posted by Jessica Sims on

  With all the negative news going around right now, I wanted to share a different topic with folks. Today we are going to talk about tinctures, what they are and how to make them. Simply put, a tincture is a liquid extract made from herbs. The herbal extract is used for medicinal purposes. In one of my previous posts, I mentioned that one benefit of plant extracts is that you can receive the medicinal properties of a plant without needing to keep the plant itself. Tinctures can also be preserved for a longer time than a harvested plant would stay...

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