Why The Need?
These days, we use the internet for everything. Amidst the pandemic, many of us have increased the amount of time we spend in front of a screen. As a result, we're constantly on the internet doing work, scheduling appointments, keeping up with the news, or online shopping. But more than anything, a lot of us are on social media trying to stay connected to friends and family.
While the internet has helped us be more connected, it can also be very draining. Sometimes surfing the internet feels like walking through an arid desert. You can scroll and scroll all day long, but at the end of the day, you're exhausted and may feel discouraged. But imagine after all of that scrolling, you come upon a refreshing, virtual oasis. This oasis is designed to uplift your mood and help you to view things from a better perspective. Sometimes we just need a safe and relaxing space to get away from the world's drama.
I recently noticed how much social media was affecting my mood, anxiety, and stress levels. I decided to delete social media apps from my phone and I only log onto them from my laptop. As a result, I find I have more time in my day because I'm not aimlessly scrolling on my phone for hours. It's definitely helped me to be more productive.

So I'm taking this extra time to create a virtual oasis, an online getaway from the hustle and bustle of daily life. While this idea is still under construction, here are some of what this oasis will consist of:
- Quote of the Week: An inspirational quote or proverb to help eliminate negative thinking or emotions.
- Jessie K's Blog: My blog is full of practical self-care tips, natural remedies, DIYS and how-to's.
- Jessie K's Videos: I create ASMR videos for stress-relief and relaxation. I also make tranquil music to help soothe and calm the mind. I am also working on narrating my own short-stories with guided imagery.
- Products: I specialize in products used for self-care, enhancing ones environment, and the tools/equipment needed for various DIY projects.
My main goal is to develop a reliable place for people to come who need some positivity in their lives. With that said, welcome the Oasis!
Thank you for brightening your day with Jessie K!