Introducing: Jessie K's Photography

Posted by Jessica Sims on

I've always enjoyed taking pictures since I was a kid because it captures a moment in time. There's nothing like going through an old album of photos and letting all those memories flood in. Pictures have a way of triggering memories that we may have long forgotten. 

Recently, I decided to start keeping better track of some of my favorite photos. Sure, I've uploaded some of these to social media. But there's nothing like having a specific album for all of my favorite photos. That's why I created a ClickASnap! It's a pretty awesome platform that let's you showcase all your photos. To top it off, you get paid a commission of 40 cents for every view you get on your picture! You can also give people the option of downloading your photo, getting it printed onto a canvas, or turned into other creative items!

I have so many amazing pictures just sitting in my phone. Clickasnap was a game-changer when I found out my photos could actually be making me some residual income. If you love taking pictures, and want a new side-hustle, this could definitely be your next move! Check me out on Clickasnap and feel free to drop your account in the comments so I can follow you as well! Happy snapping ^.^ 


Jessie K's Photography: